Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Secrets in Rose

Hey! What's your Secret ahh...

Centuries by centuries are passing through giving natural flowers to express our feelings secretly. To people whom we want to show our love, care, affection, farewell, greeting, regret, apology, and so on, we simply use flowers as our communicator, because they have that much secret within them, so deep and unwritten. They are named as Bouquet, say collection of flowers having peculiar meaning to each and given to others. Though there is many other way of expression, flowers are taking first.

Giving flowers as a expression of secret, passion extra are peaked only in Victorian tradition. Initially, sending a bouquet, if accepted by the receiver, then only the sender can proceed further. It is a dignified rule followed by those people. Presently, it plays a great role in our day today life.

Let me take roses alone. Roses are known not only for their beauties, but also for their deep colours, mind blowing fragrance, combination of colours, bloom (single petal, full, or bud) and also for their numbers. They have great deep secrets within them. Whatever our feelings we have, roses can express them. Here, reveals...

Colour of Rose Reveals...

Truly jealous on you

Red: “I love you”
Yellow: Joy, happiness, friendship, jealous (Victorian)
White: Purity, spiritual love
Coral: Desire
Burgundy: “You have an unconscious beauty.”
Orange: Fascination
Light Pink: Admiration
Dark Pink: "Thank You."
Lavender: Love at first sight
Pale Colors: Friendship
Pale Peach: Modesty
Musk shrub: Charm
Tea Rose: “Always. I remember You.”

Roses Color Combination Reveals...

Red and White: Unity
Red and Orange: Congratulations
Yellow with Red Tip: Friendship turns into love
Lavender & White: "Let's try again."
Pink and Peach: Sweetness
White &Yellow: Harmony
Orange &Yellow: Passionate thoughts
Red, Pink, &White: Trinity  

Roses in Numbers Reveals...

Single Red Rose: "My only beloved."
2 Roses: "We are a couple."
3 Roses: "I love you."
5 Roses: take love to a whole new level, meaning "I love you very much."
6 Roses: "I miss you."
7 Roses: Total infatuation.
9 Roses: Long-lasting love.
10 Roses: "You are perfect for me."
12 Roses: Traditionally the ultimate declaration of love.
13 Roses: "You have a secret admirer."(Red)
                 "Friends Forever." (Yellow)
15 Roses: "I am truly sorry."
50 Roses: "I love you unconditionally."
100 Roses: "I am devoted to you."
108 Roses: "Will you marry me?"

Blooming State Reveals...

Bud, moss: Declaration of love.
Fully opened rose with two buds in a bouquet implies a personal secret.
Red Rosebud: Simple love, purity and loveliness.
White rosebud: Girlhood, virginity and innocence.
Single bloom: I still love you.
Fully open, single yellow rose says, "Do you still love me?"
A bouquet of mature blooms symbolizes gratitude.
A bouquet of all white buds means that someone loves you, but you are too young for them.

General Facts...

Withered red rose says that "I have no interest in you." Or “Love is over”.
Roses sent every month, "Your beauty is ever new to me."
Two roses intertwined signify engagement and marriage.
A single rose of any color, other than red, says, "Thank you."
Birth flower for June. 
Will you have my words?

Symbol of the fifteenth wedding anniversary.
Rose leaf: “You can hope.”
A Mixed Color Bouquet: "You are everything to me.”  

Are you feeling shy to express your words or thinking that it will more decent by expressing through flowers, then hold some flowers in your hand and move on... they will express your deep and in-heart words...,Enjoy your day.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Angular Chelitis and Natural Remedies

Most of our concern is, how it makes us to embarrass with awful bleeding which is uglier than the irritating pain. Occurs at the angular edges of the mouth with annoying inflammation and pain. Known as Angular Chelities, Angular Stomatitis or Perleche. Common in all, no gender variation.

• Symptoms are inflammation, pain and dryness cause splits/cracks/fissures (sometimes bleeds), pale to the lip colour.
• Difficult to eat, smile, show any other facial expressions.

Reason for the cause:
Awareness of the cause can provide you with enough knowledge on how to solve this. But the root cause is not showing any peculiarity. Basic cause for this chronic lesion are

• causatives are fungus and bacteria, mainly Candida. These moist lovers multiple quickly with the help of saliva. Pathogens may occur due to the oral/dental infections, infected/unfitted dentures or sometimes internal ulcer too are some of the reason;
• other than these, nutritional deficiencies like vitamin B-2 (riboflavin), vitamin B-3 (niacin), vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), or vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin) and Iron. Specially, diabetic persons affected more.

As root cause is not perfectly identified, curing this is highly hectic. Although cured but it is a timely solution. This is because,

• treatment mainly focuses on curing the fungal/bacterial infections alone. And our anti-fungal/bacterial creams contain ingredients like Ketoconazole, Nystatin, Fluconazole, and Amphotericin B;
• moreover, these are not complete solution for this long term disease;
• as infection occurs at the entry of our food path (mouth), applying the medicine on and on (often mixes with digestive solution, saliva) is so harmful sometimes. Because of frightening side effects, some basic awareness should be in our mind. Say natural remedies might help us.

Then how it is possible to cure within short period and completing this over all these failure? Some natural remedies will give us the hands to save from this chronic lesion. Natural herbal treatment might give the way.

Why Natural Remedies?• As this is the ancient treatment and till it shines ever, trust on this is highly giving perfect benefit. China, India, and many other countries like Australia, Russia, and America and so on are following this kind of treatment.
• Ayurvedic herb available in plenty, easy to use, harmless, highly cheap when compared with any other medicines.

Advantages of Natural Remedies:
• Now-a-days people are in need of a friendly medicine (without side effects) with perfect solution. Ayurvedic medicines are the one friendly to human systems.
• People expect a perfect and complete solution for these kinds of diseases.
• Other than these they contain some basic ingredients which improve our natural energy.

These may be a drop from the ocean,
• for elders denture must be cleaned every night thoroughly.
• if dryness is the cause, then drink plenty of water, aviod alcohol (as it dehydrate), moisture the place of infection with cucumber or aloe vera juice, even butter helps.
• if due to ulcer, follow the diet having vitamin B, Zinc and Iron.
• Aviod toothpaste, brush with Terminalia chebula powder twice a day.
• Avoid sun/heat exposure, make ups (chemicals), food with yeast, licking the infected place.

Finally, concluded with an example, as having lemon with water and honey is the perfect natural treatment for dehydration. Though they are home remedies, they should be treated as medicine. So taking some experts suggestion is good for ever. Following this and have a happy healthy life.