Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dandruff and Natural Remedies

Aloe Vera

What is it?
Dandruff is a Skin problem especially in our scalp, which pass to our face in later stage. It’s nothing, but they are the dryness of the skin which peels off and result in flakes, mainly. The peeled skin flakes will speed in the air which also infects the other person; this may also be a cause.
After the scalp got infected either by primary or secondary way, we can feel it by some itching leading to irritation. Sometimes the flakes of the skin alone would be seen on our shoulders, which are embarrassing. Smell is bad too. If necessary step is not taken, then would spread to the eyebrows, eyelids, ears, the groove in between the nose and the cheeks, which showing the peeled off skin layer (dry skin) or reddish infected skin (oily skin).
Primary causatives
• Due to fungal infection, which also pave way to indirect bacterial or viral infection.
• A type of scalp ringworm (Seborrhoea Dermatitis) may be the causatives.
Other than these, there are some common causatives which are Secondary, but major cause for 80% of the victims.
Reason for the cause
There are two types of scalp layer. One is naturally oily (oil secrets in excess) and the others is naturally dry (though if oil applied becomes dry due to body heat).
For oily scalp
Oily skin secrets oil naturally from the scalp cells. As oils are sticky in nature and gives moisture, they easily adheres the pollution from the atmosphere. The adhered pollution gets decayed along with the oily in the scalp skin. This decay results in fungus formation. Cleaning the scalp may help. But, if improper cleansing is carried then the residues may mix up with the oil and will gets further decaying in excess. Because of this, other fungus attracted (ringworm) to stay along with them to cause multi-infections.
Natural Remedies:
• Hot oily message will fill the oil glands.
(Oil ingredients: Coconut oil 50ml, Gooseberry 2, Neem leaves 5-10, Tulsi leaves 5-10, pepper 5-10). Frequent message (weekly twice) will help. The fact to be believed here is the oil along with astringent, bitter, hot, mint taste will stay in the scalp, which won’t allow the other infectors to react in their own way. These will suppress their reaction. Further this oil will not be sticky as the astringent will separate the moisture and stickiness in the oil.
For dry scalp
As the skin are naturally dry, they will peel off because of dryness (less in moisture). In peeling stage the new skin will grow up, but due to continuous and frequent process they cannot grow up to cover the scalp. Now comes the problem, because of insufficient growth for covering, the layer is infected by other skin diseases. Itching (due cause damage to the hairs’ root) followed by irritation. For shampooing the chemicals will readily affect. Due to open pore/open skin layer the other infectors may easily affect the skin.

Natural Remedies:
• Hot oily message will fill the oil glands which bring back the moisture to the skin
(Oil ingredients: Olive oil 50ml, Gooseberry 2, Hibiscus flower 5-10, Tulsi leaves 5-10, pepper 5-10), Aleo Vera. Frequent message (weekly twice) will help. The fact to be believed here is the oil along with astringent, bitter, hot, mint taste will stay in the scalp, which won’t allow the other infectors to react in their own way. These will suppress their reaction. Further this oil will not be sticky as the astringent will separate the moisture and stickiness in the oil.

Common remedies for both oily and dry scalp:
• Follow proper sleeping hours.
• Add food items in your diet list which keeps your body temperature low. For example, Fruits juices, vegetables, Ghee, butter milk, avoid all sugar, spicy, hot, salty items. This is because, as body heat will melt the oil in the scalp cell and make them active for oil secretion. For dry scalp make them more drier.
• Drink plenty of water.
• Apply Aloe Vera on to scalp to make them cool.

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